About St Luke’s

St Luke’s is a Christian healthcare provider committed to meeting the evolving needs of our patients, clients and caregivers.

Within the St Luke’s eco-system, St Luke’s ElderCare delivers a full range of integrated services and programmes for our elders through our 22 eldercare centres islandwide while St Luke’s Hospital is a 243-bed community hospital that serves patients regardless of race and religion.

ElderCare Services

Delivering a full range of integrated services and programmes for our elders including maintenance day care, day rehabilitation programmes such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy, dementia care, nursing care, respite care, wellness programmes and transportation, the services also designed to benefit elders who have suffered physical disabilities as a result of stroke, falls or accidents, as well as the frail and lonely who have no one to look after them during working hours.

* At selected centres only. Contact us for more information.


Our Address:

Blk 97, Whampoa Drive, #01-222 Singapore 320097

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